Soudatapes ST is a sealing tape for the floor / wall and the wall / wall junctions – 10 lineal metres per box.

Soudatape IC is a preformed tape for placement in the inside corners, pack includes 2 pcs of inside corners.

Soudatape OC is a preformed tape for placement in the outside corners, pack includes 2 pcs of outside corners.

Soudatape PD are preformed cuffs for placement around pipes and drains, pack includes 2x100mm + 1x150mm cuffs.

Soudatapes are a part of the watertight sealing systems of Soudal in combination with elastic liquid membranes such as Soudagum LM. The product is intended for the sealing of pipes and drains in bathrooms and showers. The product can be used horizontally and vertically.
Features & Benefits
- Permanent sealing in combination with the appropriate Soudal waterproof membrane.
- For inside and outside use, vertically and horizontally.
- Permanently elastic in high and low temperatures.
- Maximum elongation: 300 %
- Resistant to alkaline substances.
- Resistant to salts.
- Resistant to several typical bathroom acids and chemicals.
Soudatape ST, IC and OC sealant tapes are intended for the sealing of angles and corners and in bathrooms and showers.
Soudatape PD cuffs is intended for the sealing of pipes and drains in bathrooms and showers.
These products can be used horizontally and vertically. They can also be used in swimming pools, basements, terraces and shafts.
Soudatape ST
- 10 m per box
Soudatape OC / IC
- 2 per polybag
Soudatape PD
- Soudatape PD 100: 2 pieces per blister together with 1 piece Soudatape PD 150
- Soudatape PD 150: 1 piece per blister together with 2 pieces Soudatape PD 100
Soudatape ST – 1 meter per 1 meter angle
Soudatape OC / IC – 1 piece per corner
Soudatape PD – 1 per water pipe or drain